Instant Chat: Simple & Quick Communications

Instant Chat

Instant Chat

Instant Chat allows users to engage in a two-way chat session without needing to download any software. In a standard User session, the User can begin a Chat with any other users that are logged into the system. When Instant Chat is activated, 2-way communication is opened immediately as the session is picked up. With Instant Chat you gain the flexibility of immediately communicating with other Users. It’s as easy to use as the similar Instant Messaging programs used by PC and Smartphone users.

Why Use Instant Chat?

  • Instant Chat is a natural extension of communications; use it to further reduce phone calls.
  • Instant Chat provides a much easier and seamless connection between your employees.
  • Instant Chat prevents unnecessary phone calls for problems that can be solved in chat-only mode.
  • Instant Chat helps employees increase their productivity by making it easier to handle more communications in less time.
  • Instant Chat can also be a valuable tool outside the Technical Helpdesk allowing users to consult with each other.

ADLData’s Instant Chat feature allows users to utilize voice and text to communicate across a facility’s ADL network.

It allows users to participate in a public chat, or whisper in a private chat.

It indicates when someone is in the process of writing a message, and lets participants know if the service is stopped or disconnected. It even reconnects after faults.

It also allows file transfers among computers.

  • Convenient & Improved Communications
  • Avoid “Phone-tag”
  • Avoid Delayed & Missed Communications
  • Brainstorming
  • Convenient to Use
  • Saves Time
  • Increased Communication
  • Increased Productivity
  • Cuts Down on Expenses
  • Augments Communications
  • Taps into User Pain Points
  • Eases Multi-tasking
  • Text & Voice
  • Cut & Paste from Apps
  • Auto-login
  • Online User List
  • Read Message Aloud
  • Print Messages