MDS Analyzers

MDS Analytics Interfaces

ADL MDS interfaces with all the major MDS Analyzers available

The process is transparent to the User, requiring a single click to analyze the MDS.

These steps outline the process:

  1. The user enters their MDS using the ADL EMR/Module.
  2. Once the MDS is complete, the user clicks on a Send button that securely transfers the MDS data to the MDS Analyzer software.
  3. With seconds the MDS is analyzed and the results returned to the user.
  4. The Analysis report displays in the user’s screen.
  5. The user can review the report and make changes, or the report can be save for reference and care planning.

Getting started is easy.

Just signup with the Vendor of choice and a simple setup enables the communication with the MDS Analyzer company. You will be Uploading and Analyzing your MDS files within hours.

MDS Partner Product Link
PointRight Radar adobe Data Sheet
TeamTSI IntelliLogix //
EQUIP EQUIP 3.0 adobe Overview
adobe Architecture

Analyzing your MDS will:
  • Improve MDS Coding Accuracy and Maximize Reimbursement
  • Improve the Quality of the MDS data.
  • Improve QA efforts by focusing on the “Critical Issues”
  • Enrich the Resident Care Planning process
  • Simplify Preparation for Surveys
  • Provide Benchmark with Peer Groups within your Region/State and Corporate Groups
  • Increase Reimbursements
  • Reduce Risk
  • Minimize Liability
  • Aid Survey Preparation
  • Improve Outcomes
  • Facilitate Care Planning