MDS RAI Manual v1.15 Now Available

MDS RAI Manual v1.15 is Now Available

CMS has posted v1.15 of the MDS Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual to their MDS 3.0 RAI Manual website. This version of the manual becomes effective Oct. 1, 2017.

Among other changes, CMS has elected to make item O0700, Physician Orders, dependent on state requirements. Texas has made completion of this item mandatory for those assessments in which it is active.


CMS waives admission requirement for victims of Hurricane Harvey

CMS Update:

Attention Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)

The CMS waives requirements for a 3-day prior hospitalization before admission in order to receive Medicare SNF services and provides temporary emergency coverage of services in SNFs without a qualifying hospital stay for people who are evacuated, transferred, or otherwise dislocated due to Hurricane Harvey. Certain people with Medicare benefits who recently exhausted their SNF benefits are authorized for renewed coverage without first having to start a new benefit period.


CMS Long-Term Care Requirements Final Rule

LTC facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid must take steps right away to make sure they can comply with the requirements by applicable deadlines. A detailed crosswalk table highlights which existing provisions have been moved or revised is available at 81 Federal Register 68825-68831.

Phase 1 Nov. 28, 2016
Phase 2 Nov 28, 2017
Phase 3 Nov. 28, 2019

Ensuring compliance with the revisions will require concerted effort by LTC facilities. CMS believes compliance will lead to reduced costs, hospitalizations, and an increased rate of quality improvements.


Think your account has been breached?

Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach.

A “breach” is an incident where a site’s data has been illegally accessed by hackers and then released publicly. Review the types of data that were compromised (email addresses, passwords, credit cards etc.) and take appropriate action, such as changing passwords.



ADL Data Interface for our Suffolk Care Collaborative Complete

ADL Data has completed the interface for our Suffolk Care Collabortive.

Clients are now fully interfaced with Suffolk County RHIO and DSRIP.

DSRIP, or Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment, is a federally funded statewide initiative that aims to greatly improve the way medical care is delivered to Medicaid and uninsured patients by establishing a large network of collaborating healthcare providers called a Performing Provider System (PPS). This PPS is responsible for leading regional provider partnerships to accomplish DSRIP program objectives.

The goal of DSRIP is to reduce avoidable hospital and emergency department use by 25 percent over a five-year period. The intended result of the program is both better patient care and significant savings.

More information regarding the DSRIP Program and Webinars can be found by //