MDS 3.0 Item Sets Draft v1.16.0R Released
CMS has released draft v1.16.0R of the MDS 3.0 Item Sets scheduled to become effective Oct. 1, 2018. This file may be found in the Downloads section of the CMS MDS 3.0 Technical Information website.
The following significant changes are included:
• revisions to discharge goal coding instructions in GG0130 (self-care) and GG0170 (mobility);
• addition of skip pattern language to GG0170M and GG0170N;
• revisions to skip pattern language to GG0170Q1 and GG0170Q3;
• addition of coding instructions to J2000 (prior surgery);
• revisions to skip pattern language to M0210 (unhealed pressure ulcers/injuries) and M0300G (number of unhealed pressure ulcers/injuries);
• addition of coding instructions to N2001 (drug regimen review) and N2005 (medication intervention).
There are additional changes to text in Sections C, GG, I, J, M, N and O. Please see the Item Changes document from the above file for details.