CMSNet VPN Client Software Upgrade 04/02/2019

CMSNet VPN Client Software Upgrade – April 2, 2019

Please be aware that CMS is upgrading the current Juniper VPN Client software required to access the CMSNet secure network when using QIES web applications (MDS Submissions, CASPER, EPOC and PBJ). The rollout is by facility type, with Swing Beds starting on 4/8/2019 and nursing homes on 6/30/2019.

Starting on those dates, the upgrade process will be triggered automatically the first-time a user launches their current Juniper VPN Client and logs into CMSNet. Upon successful logon, the new Pulse Secure Desktop Client software will be downloaded, and the user prompted to start the installation process.

Please be aware the initial installation of this new client software requires administrative level rights on the user’s Windows PC. Those staff without that level of rights should plan to have someone from their IT area available to enter their administrative credentials when prompted. Once the software installs successfully, administrative rights are not required to use it.

For any questions or assistance, please contact the CMSNet Help Desk at 888-238-2122 or