CMS Releases Lookup Tool to Help Clinicians Determine their MIPS Participation Status
Quality Payment Program
Check if you’re included in MIPS. Now you can check if a clinician who bills to Medicare will need to submit data to MIPS.
The Quality Payment Program improves Medicare by helping you focus on care quality. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) ended the Sustainable Growth Rate formula, which threatened clinicians participating in Medicare with potential payment cliffs for 13 years. If you participate in Medicare Part B, you serve more than 55 million of the country’s most vulnerable Americans, and the Quality Payment Program will provide new tools and resources to help you give your patients the best possible care. You can choose how you want to participate based on your practice size, specialty, location, or patient population.
The Quality Payment Program has two tracks you can choose:
If you decide to participate in an Advanced APM, through Medicare Part B you may earn an incentive payment for participating in an innovative payment model.
If you decide to participate in MIPS, you will earn a performance-based payment adjustment.
Information provided by CMS. For more information, please visit //